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London Living Rent: Eligibility and Prioritisation

By Share to Buy

What is the London Living Rent eligibility criteria?

London Living Rent is an intermediate affordable housing product, with rents based on one third of average household incomes in the local area. London Living Rent homes are available to eligible middle-income renters in the capital who want to save to eventually buy a home through Shared Ownership. You can find out more about London Living Rent and how it works here

Am I eligible for London Living Rent?

To be eligible for the London Living Rent scheme, you’ll need to meet the following criteria:

  • Residency requirement: You must live or work in London. Just bear in mind that priority may be given to those who live or work in the borough where the property is located.
  • Current living situation: You must have a formal tenancy (such as renting privately), or live with family or friends under an informal arrangement due to difficulties with housing costs.
  • Income cap: Your household income must not exceed £67,000.
  • Homeownership restriction: You must not already own another home.
  • Ability to purchase: You must be unable to currently buy a home – including through Shared Ownership – in your local area.

What are the allocation and prioritisation rules for London Living Rent?

If more than one eligible applicant applies for a London Living Rent home, the housing provider should determine priority through:

  • A local intermediate waiting list, if one exists.
  • A priority group or groups identified by the local borough.
  • A first-come first-served basis, as a last resort.

However, as outlined in the London Plan 2021, housing providers and local authorities are able to introduce additional criteria for prioritisation (beyond London-wide eligibility requirements) during the first three months of advertising an intermediate home, such as those available through London Living Rent.

After this three-month period, if the property remains unlet, the eligibility and prioritisation criteria must revert to the London-wide requirements to ensure that the home doesn’t remain vacant.  

Housing providers are also expected to use standard affordability assessments to ensure that households can afford to pay rent and save for a future purchase simultaneously.

Where can I search for London Living Rent properties?

If you’re interested in London Living Rent scheme and how it could help you onto the property ladder, you can find out more on Share to Buy. Want to find new-build homes in your area? Head to our property portal where you can search for affordable homes in London.


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